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The Long and Short

  • Hyde Park Book Club 27-29 Headingley Lane Leeds, LS6 1BL United Kingdom (map)

Tickets HERE

Welcome to The Long and Short!

The Long & Short is an evening of true and personal storytelling, where ordinary people with a tale to tell share their stories related to a theme. This monthly event first started in Squamish, British Columbia and is making its way to Leeds on January 31st.

The theme is: Turning Over a New Leaf

This month we're celebrating New Year's resolutions gone wrong, periods of dramatic change and self improvement (cult stories are always welcome). Maybe this year’s 'new year new you' involves sharing your first story in front of a friendly audience! You do not need to be an expert, just come with a good bit of enthusiasm and something to share.

Interested in telling a tale? We have a few simple rules to follow:

Stories must:

- be true

- have happened to you

- be under 5 minutes long

- be connected to our theme - turning over a new leaf

SIGN UP by emailing or sign up on the night.

And since a story isn’t a story without anyone to listen to it, you are also welcome to come along and listen.